Free Americans Should Vote Independent

We like things to be simple and easy. I like things to be simple and easy. It used to seem like, when it came to elections, the simple easy thing was to look at the end of the name and choose a candidate based on the (D) or (R) at the end of the name. If your prime concerns were social justice and social welfare over handouts to big corporations, you chose the (D). Likewise if you were driven by individual liberty and less government interference, you chose the (R). However, time and again, it has turned out that no matter whether we have collectively chosen (D) or (R), the results turned out the same; big corporations get their handouts, government grows larger, and the liberties and freedoms of the people get trampled.

The problem, it seems to me, is that the two major party machines have outlived their usefulness. These massive organizations have quit representing the people, and are instead only interested in maintaining power for themselves. The (D) or (R) at the end of a candidates name ought to be a warning sign to voters. These candidates are beholden to their party masters in Washington, and their party masters in their State capitols, before they are beholden to their lawful constituents. A candidate with an (I) after his or her name has only the American voter to answer to, and to seek support from!

The major parties have twisted the words of an American patriot, making it out to seem like the idea of voting for the (I) of your choice is tantamount to "wasting your vote" because the (I) you may truly prefer cannot win, and this splitting of the vote would cause the lesser evil between the (D) or (R) to loose to the greater. It is a self fulfilling prophecy! If enough of us would stop letting the (D) or (R) from splitting our votes from the (I) of our choice, the (I) would win!
"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."
-John Quincy Adams
If you choose to vote for the "lesser of the two evils", then your vote is already lost, whether that candidate wins or loses! The machines of the major parties stand between America, and true candidates of conscience! It is time for us to break these major party machines. And the way for free Americans to break the bonds of the party machines is for us to look for the (I) at the end of the names of the candidates first, then vote according to conscience, and not major party affiliation.

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