JFK - BHO, Visions for America

In 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy shared a Vision for America. In his vision, self-sufficient American Citizens empowered their country to reach loft new heights. As an example, he set us to the seemingly impossible dream of placing a man on the moon.

In 2010, Barrack Hussein Obama shared a Vision for America. In his vision, Americans depend on the largess of their Federal Government for everything. As an example, he canceled funding for the space program, which was to return us to the moon and establish a permanent base there.

In the past month, the President of the United States sent his budget to Congress. In this massive spending conflagration, he proposes a few key cuts. One of these very few cuts is NASA's Constellation Project.

In September of this year, the aging Space Shuttle Fleet, is scheduled to retire. The Shuttles have been pressed far beyond their expected service life in order to see to the completion of the International Space Station. There simply is no other means currently available, anywhere in the world, to lift the heavy components into low Earth orbit. However, with the last heavy pieces lifted, the price per flight of this antiquated technological wonder is becoming too much, and a reasonable amount of safety is increasingly more difficult to maintain.

The Constellation Project was to be both a replacement for the heavy lift capability of the space shuttle, a return to high orbit, and a scheduled manned return to the moon. With its de facto cancellation due to funding withdrawal, America will have only very limited, and no manned, space flight capabilities. We will be bumming rides to the International Space Station, if the European Space Agency and/or the Russian Space Agency will allow us, that is.

At the same time, India and China, are each planning separate manned expeditions to the moon, with an eye to establishing permanent manned stations. NASA too, had some keen insight into establishing a manned base, as we are the only ones who have been there before. But we cannot fund the both the President's socialist agenda and expensive NASA programs. Actually, we cannot currently fund either!

In 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy shared his amazing vision self-sufficient Americans being the source of strength for our country (ask not what your country can do for you...) and of placing a man on the moon; a goal of fulfilling the dream of the first man, and every man since who has ever looked up and saw it. It was amazingly accomplished. And now, some 40 years after the fact, we will shortly lack the ability to place a man in orbit.

In 2010, Barack Hussein Obama has also shared a vision. A vision where Americans rely on their government for hand outs, and our astronauts hitch rides into space.

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